How to choose the right yoga bolster?

Yoga bags & straps - ReYoga

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Bags & tapes

How do you carry your yoga mat and accessories? If you want to keep them clean and protected from external influences, we recommend using a yoga bag. Convenient to use and roomy enough to store leggings, cleaner, cutara water bottle.

Yoga bags are designed with breathable materials to allow the accessories to air out. Colorful, colorful, fashionable patterns, for every style. If you prefer minimalism and simplicity, choose a wearing strap. It will keep the yoga mat rolled up and you can easily carry it over your shoulder (even on a bike).

ReYoga - Yoga Mats & Accessories & Clothing

ReYoga comes from neighboring Italy. Their focus is to make a quality sustainable product. The product, which will be tailored to the user and will boast a beautiful design, will be made of quality materials and will be made in a clean process towards the environment and striving to preserve natural resources.

v čistem procesu do okolja in k strmenju k ohranjanju naravnih virov.

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Brand ReYoga

Of course, all this is nothing new! Nothing special lately. Such desires, goals, and even practice have most companies, especially in the field of yoga. After all, we have been spreading such a story about prAna since the mid-1990s.

Is ReYoga better than other globally established yoga brands? No! Not better! And no, it's not worse. It is one of them! One of the great yoga brands.

Is it different? Of course. Every brand has its own “spirit”. Also ReYoga. We felt something special about this brand. Something good, something fine, clean, quality, affordable. That's why we "grabbed" it!

Reinvent - ReCycle - ReYoga

That's how we started. Right at the beginning of 2017! And we still have a veeery long way to go together.

More about ReYoga

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