How to choose the right yoga bolster?

Slackline walking

Slackline walking the the bands - why?

Slackline or after our walking across the bands, much more than is usually thought passers-by when in the park to see young people how to entertain themselves, how they spend their time with something totally useless. The fact is that not only do young people, nor those who have a surplus.
Slackline can be quite serious activity. And how useful and welcome, to help overcome everyday obligations. Slackline, walking across the bands, greatly improves concentration, orientation, balance.

For some, walking along the risers completely independent sporting activity. For some, as a "tool" to assist in the training sessions in other sporting activities. It can be tackled from the meditative reasons. Known as the positive effects of practicing slacklinom in students, students with learning problems. Always, however, this activity is fun !!! So why not combine business with pleasure!

So Slackline is useful because

  • is a fun recreation, sport practice, in which you strengthen your body and improve posture
  • strongly reinforce the balance and improve coordination of movement
  • It helps us self-awareness of his own body and individual body parts, which we need to activate and us both improving the physical and mental well-being
  • It is walking the risers urgent "cooperation" left and right hemisphere, and so we strengthens concentration
  • your workout faster strengthen joints (ankles, knees, hips ...) after injuries - assistance for rehabilitation
  • is super useful enrichment of hard training in other sports (climbing, jumping, skiing, athletics ....)
  • It offers relaxation after a stressful day at work effort
  • It is a perfect entertainment - for teenagers, for families, for seniors ... .in everything
  • It allows us to meditation in motion
We could be, and the list goes on and talk about the positive effects of walking on the risers, so that there are just a few of the most recognizable.

How to install a slackline?

It is good to note that the walk on risers can also tackles each. Well each, which does not have some major physical barriers. Potrebujte riser and two "stable" tree or pillar. Anchorage You can also do a rock, concrete wall or something. Oz. also on the lawn without all the trees you can put your Slackline, then you need a little bit of improvisation, and the whole place via the media like "goats" sawing wood. And to find.

Beginnings are difficult to see. Usually what it is not, and is not, and it all seems impossible. But persistence paid here. Of course, our advice skillful walk along slacku can be of great benefit and it is this initial torment reduced to some 10 minutes.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you attend any workshops slack, which recently after Slovenia pretty! Some great exercises for an exciting and varied Start you look at the video below. They look quite simple. But in the beginning you will have some work with them.

Walking will quickly followed tricks, which are very entertaining and further enhance the above-mentioned benefits of walking on the risers. One of the most famous group which brings together a range of sporting activities and also slacklinu performed seemingly impossible things are yogaslackers-i from the US. On YouTube you can see a lot of their short movies.

One of the branches of the Slackline is a highline. This is risers taut at high altitude. Safety is of course provided with a system of adequate protection. And this branch of the Slackline especially offer highlights in concentration and meditation.

It is a bit further stepped Dean Potter in the USA. His feats of climbing, BASE jump-Erske on highline-u and others still take your breath away. Unfortunately, his journey ended in May 2015. Check out his videos on YouTube and photos on the Internet. but such things do not try yourself (Dean usually do all things without protection). Lower Moonwalk movie when Dean Potter implemented highline in Cathedral Peak in the sunset, while the moon rises, it is also interesting because of the photographer's (Mikey Schaefer) games snemenajem.

In short, Slackline is right for all! And in almost all circumstances. Indulge your imagination and just enjoy!

If you need equipment or lesson Slackline are at your disposal. Borer slackerji from our promoteama are available for the first steps on the risers, the highline or learning tricks. Everything is possible!
please contact us at [email protected] and share your wishes. We will also be looking forward to all of your photos or short movies with your experiences.

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