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Malas, necklaces, bracelets - White Moon Malas

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Yoga jewellery: bracelets, necklaces, bracelets

Yoga jewelry bracelets (made of semi-precious stones or wooden beads) often represent an amulet that protects us and lifts our mood.

What is mala? How do we use little?

Mala necklaces can be made of wooden beads, seeds, semi-precious or precious stones or gems. The mala consists of 108 beads. The number 108 is a sacred number in many cultures, especially in the Hindu tradition. The number comes from multiplying the 12 "astrological houses" by the 9 planets. Each mala also has a Guru bead or tassel to remind us of the teachers in our lives.

Traditionally, we hold a bit between the thumb and the middle finger so that each ball passes through the finger and thumb. At this, the mantra is recited either silently or aloud. The most powerful mantras are said to be those that are repeated silently in the mind. We do this until we reach the Guru Ball.

The power of the mala necklace cannot be denied. We can quickly see its positive effects. Try it on and find your own Mala necklace that will take your worries away.

White Moon Malas and Bracelets

Each product is created with a lot of attention and love. They are created with the aim of providing support along the way, in development and change in all areas.

They are made of different crystals, each carrying its own quality and offering support. By wearing or using the Mala (or Bracelet) - when we meditate or just hold it in our palms, we connect with the qualities of the crystal. Each Mala contains 108 beads of crystals, often spaced between the 27th, 54th and 81st beads - smaller beads or different crystals. The crystals are strung on a quality silk ribbon. The bracelet carries the number of crystal beads according to the size of the wrist.

Each Mala (or Bracelet) is carefully wrapped in a neat and secure gift box. Instructions and descriptions of each crystal worn by the selected Mala (or Bracelet) are included. Prior to delivery, each product is cleaned, charged with energy and ready for use. All products are made by hand from high quality crystals.

How to choose your Mala, Bracelet?

Choosing a Mala (or bracelet) should be a relaxed, calm and special process. Listen to yourself, your intuition, choose the one that attracts you and convince you with its energy. Believe and connect with your inner self.

How to choose a Mala, gift bracelet?

Globoko vdihni in prisluhni, kaj bi podprlo in navdihnilo osebo, ki ji namenjaš Malo (ali Zapestnico). Pomembno je, da osebo poznaš ali veš, zakaj bi ji želel-a podariti takšno darilo.

Instructions for measuring wrist circumference

You measure the circumference of the wrist with a tape or sewing meter. You wrap it around the wrist above the wrist bones. You don’t add length, you state the exact length and write whether you want it to be looser or not. You enter the wrist circumference in the comment in the online store when ordering.

Possibilities of exchange or refund

Refund is possible within 14 days of receipt. The returned product must be undamaged, in the original packaging, with the original markings and without signs of use. Otherwise, the return or replacement will be denied. Refund costs are not included.

Repair options

In case of defects or damage after using the Mala (or Bracelet), the product can be repaired free of charge within 60 days. After that time, the repair is charged according to the damage.

White Moon Mala are unique creations of crystal jewelry - mala or yoga necklaces, bracelets, energy sets... Everything created with a lot of attention and love from the hands of Špela Škoda, who developed her creativity as a graphic designer, depth in spirituality and personal development revealed as a yoga teacher.
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