How to choose the right yoga bolster?

Malas, necklaces, bracelets - Lotuscrafts

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Yoga jewellery: bracelets, necklaces, bracelets

Yoga jewelry bracelets (made of semi-precious stones or wooden beads) often represent an amulet that protects us and lifts our mood.

What is mala? How do we use little?

Mala necklaces can be made of wooden beads, seeds, semi-precious or precious stones or gems. The mala consists of 108 beads. The number 108 is a sacred number in many cultures, especially in the Hindu tradition. The number comes from multiplying the 12 "astrological houses" by the 9 planets. Each mala also has a Guru bead or tassel to remind us of the teachers in our lives.

Traditionally, we hold a bit between the thumb and the middle finger so that each ball passes through the finger and thumb. At this, the mantra is recited either silently or aloud. The most powerful mantras are said to be those that are repeated silently in the mind. We do this until we reach the Guru Ball.

The power of the mala necklace cannot be denied. We can quickly see its positive effects. Try it on and find your own Mala necklace that will take your worries away.

Lotuscrafts - Yoga accessories, meditation cushions and yoga mats

Lotuscrafts comes to us from Austria. Their desire is to inspire people to engage in meditation and yoga. Therefore, their products are quality and organic. Their name in the products combines purity, beauty, special art of making from natural, human and environmentally friendly materials (cotton, spelt, kapok wool).

Their local production takes care of a green, clean process at every step - from the beginning to the end of the production chain, in all work processes they strive to conserve natural resources and an honest attitude towards all people involved in the process. They are holders of the certificate GOTS.



The lotus flower is a symbol of purity, peace and beauty in many cultures in the East. The lotus flower is very special because of its exceptional surface structure, which allows water, dust particles, mud and micro-organisms to "unwind" and bloom in perfect beauty.


It means trade, art.

Lotuscrafts - Yoga accessories, meditation cushions and yoga mats

Yoga, restorative yoga, meditation, "mindfulness"

They are becoming more and more popular in an increasingly complex, fast-paced and digitalized world. This is the right practice to achieve inner peace, to promote a calm and happy attitude towards life and / or to deepen the spiritual way of life.  

Organic cotton – simply the best for the environment and people!

Worldwide, large quantities of fertilizers and pesticides are used in the cultivation of ordinary cotton. Cotton cultivation accounts for about 25% of global insecticide use and 10% of pesticide use, although it accounts for only 4% of all arable land. For each T-shirt, for example, about 150 grams of poison lands in cotton fields.

Excessive use of chemicals reduces soil fertility and pests become more resistant. Controlled organic farming prohibits the use of toxic and non-degradable chemical synthetic pesticides and fertilizers so that soil and groundwater are not polluted.

The use of genetically modified organisms is also prohibited. People working in textile factories are also exposed to toxins from normal cotton production on a daily basis. That's why Lotuscrafts has resisted such dirty practices and their products boast GOTS certificate (Global Organic Textile Standard).  

What is GOTS?

GOTS covers the entire production chain, from extracting raw materials from fields of organic cotton to packaging. At all stages, they take into account environmentally friendly processes, materials and social standards.


Also included are social standards from the International Labor Organization - ensuring fair wages, protection at work and freedom of association, protection against toxic chemicals, a ban on forced labor, child labor, harassment and discrimination.

GOST includes some additional "benefits" for the people involved in the process - for example: they carry out evacuation exercises in case of fire ... It is also involved in the processes of obtaining fiber from controlled animal organic livestock - wool.

More about Lotuscrafts

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